Labial Reduction and Discomfort Down There

Non-surgical labial reduction treatment

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From vaginal childbirth to hormonal changes, aging, and more, labial changes are normal. Although labial changes are common, we understand that this can significantly impact your self-confidence, sex life, and overall quality of life. 

That’s why at Casa Esthetica, we offer non-surgical labial reduction treatments so patients can look and feel more comfortable and confident with their most intimate areas. 

Our non-surgical labial reduction treatments offer the same highly effective results as labiaplasty, minus the potential risk of infection, complications, or recovery time involved with surgery. 

No more avoiding tight pants or intimate moments with your partner for fear of judgment or discomfort. Feel more comfortable and confident to enjoy all the activities you love with the help of our labial reduction treatment. 

Schedule your free consultation today to discover how we can safely and effectively reduce the size of your labia, without surgery. 


  • Non-surgical labial reduction treatment.
  • Tone, tighten, and rejuvenate your labial skin. 
  • Improve the look and feel of your labia.
  • Increase sexual confidence, satisfaction, and comfort. 
  • Increase your day to day comfort in pants and athletic wear


Women feeling comfortable in workout wear after treatment with Forma V and Morpheus8 V


More often than not, doctors recommended surgery to remove excess tissue. Results were mixed at best. Recovery time was typically long and could easily result in complications.

Now we have Forma V and Morpheus8 V.

Forma V

Forma V will cause the tissue of both the labia minora and majora to contract and become firmer due to tightening of the skin and the stimulation of collagen and elastin.

Morpheus8 V

Morpheus8 V uses radio frequency combined with micro-needling to further enhance the plumpness and elasticity of the labial tissue.

Individually and in combination, these treatments can effectively address labial hypertrophy, providing relief and greater comfort, not to mention reduced size and improved appearance.

The good news is this solution can be used by women of all ages, starting from their 20’s. It can even offer great results between pregnancies.

EmpowerRF offers solutions for women’s intimate health concerns with V Tone, Forma V, Tone, and Morpheus8, V and Body

Empower RF

Areas of treatment


Using bipolar radio frequency, the Forma handpiece stimulates collagen and elastin production for increased bladder control


Forma V

If treating the labia or exterior of the vagina, either shave or wax the hair 24 hours prior to the treatment

Nothing visiting your vagina for 72 hours after treatment, including tampons.

No hot tubs or submerging in hot water for 72 hours after treatment

Morpheus8 V

If treating the labia or exterior of the vagina, either shave or wax the hair 24 hours prior to the treatment

Nothing visiting your vagina for 72 hours after treatment, including tampons.

No hot tubs or submerging in hot water for 72 hours after treatment


Due to the sensitive nature of these photos, we prefer not to display them here.  We do have before and after photos you may see during your private consultation.

What our patients are saying


Is it really possible to treat labial hypertrophy without surgery?

Yes it is.

Labial hypertrophy is a condition in which one or both sides of a woman’s labia are larger than normal. This can result in discomfort and chafing particularly when wearing tight fitting clothing including shorts and pants.

In the past, a surgical procedure called labiaplasty was often recommended to reduce the size of the labia by removing excess tissue. Today, with treatments using Forma V and Morpheus8 V, we can dramatically reduce the size of the labia, without incisions or surgery. In the process, we eliminate the cause of irritation and discomfort with virtually no downtime.

Does the treatment hurt?

No. We always use a strong topical anesthetic prior to your treatment. The only thing you may experience is a slight feeling of pressure.

Are the results permanent?

While the results are not permanent, they are long lasting and can be well maintained with a single touch up treatment once a year.

What age group is appropriate?

These treatments are appropriate for anyone requiring them who is 20 years or older.